


The overall intent of the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) is to encourage the reporting and collection of accurate campus crime data and to promote crime awareness and enhance campus safety. 作为克莱利法案的一部分, 某些类型的犯罪, 在《皇冠hg2020手机app下载》可报告地点进行的逮捕和转介(见下文), 是否需要以 年度保安报告 (每年10月1日公布).

Another key requirement of the Clery Act is the issuance of crime alerts to the campus community on crimes considered to be a serious or continuing threat to Campus community members that are reported to Campus Security Authorities (辅导) or local law enforcement agencies and that are reported to 校园安全.


《皇冠hg2020app下载》确定了某些类别的学生, 学校的员工, and contractors as 辅导 who have federally mandated responsibilities to report crimes that they 见证 or are reported to them.

The intent of including non‐law enforcement personnel in 这个角色 of CSA is to acknowledge that some community members and students, 特别是, 可能会犹豫是否要向警方报案, 但可能更倾向于向其他校园附属人员报告事件.

审查可报告的《皇冠hg2020app下载》罪行的资料, reportable disciplinary referrals and/or the Clery Act incident occurrence locations that are reportable, 请参考 行为犯罪的定义和报告地点. 辅导在遵守《皇冠hg2020app下载》方面发挥着重要作用, 哪项立法是为了帮助创建一个更安全的校园社区. Timely reporting of crimes by 辅导 allows the Campus the opportunity to review whether or not a community crime alert should be issued and assists in maintaining accurate crime data.


A Clery Act crime is considered “reported” when it is brought to the attention of a CSA, 校园安全或当地执法人员的受害者, 见证, 其他第三方甚至是罪犯. 犯罪报告方不一定是校园附属机构.

While 辅导 are only obligated to report Clery Act qualifying crimes that are reported to them which occurred in Clery reportable locations, 学校鼓励cssa将所有接到的犯罪报告给校园安全部门. 学生事务 affiliated student employees are directed to report all non-emergency criminal incidents to their direct supervisor.

If a CSA receives Clery Act qualifying crime information and believes it was provided in good faith, meaning that there is a reasonable basis for believing that the information is not rumor or hearsay, 然后, 该罪行是可报告的. 因此,你必须报告的是所谓的犯罪事件.


  • 无论你的身份是CSA还是非CSA, all community members are encouraged to promptly report all campus related criminal incidents, 以及其他与公共安全有关的突发事件, 校园安全或执法.
  • 如果不是紧急情况, the CSA should ask the individual reporting the crime if they would like to report the incident to 校园安全. If they do, 然后 the CSA should coordinate reporting and contact 校园安全 via phone at 507-280-5050 或亲自到位于主校区房间的校园保安办公室办理 CF102.
  • 辅导 are encouraged to use the following 声明 when speaking with the crime reporting party:“作为我在校园职位的一部分,我是联邦政府授权的皇冠hg2020手机app下载犯罪记者. 我被要求将此事件报告给校园安全以收集数据. 如果你要求保密, 报告表格中不包括您或任何其他相关人员的姓名. 我的报告只会包含你提供的信息. 你有什么问题吗? 你能帮我填一下吗?
  • If the reporting party is a student victim of a sex offense and 校园安全 is not involved, 还应鼓励学生联系奥姆斯特德县受害者服务中心(507).328.24小时.289.0636).
  • 如上文CSA所述 声明, the CSA should explain that they are a federally mandated crime reporter and are required to submit a crime report for statistical purposes and that the crime report can be submitted without identifying the crime reporting party and/or victim if the reporting party would like to remain anonymous.
  • If the CSA has firsthand knowledge/confirmation that the reporting party already filed a campus or police report, 那么CSA就没有义务填写并提交一份 CSA犯罪报告表. 然而, 如果报案方说他们会向警方报案, 但CSA没有第一手资料或证实报告已经提交, 那么CSA必须填写并提交一份犯罪报告表. 如有疑问,应填写并提交报告表格.
  • 辅导 不应该 investigate a crime reported to them or attempt to determine whether in fact a crime took place. 辅导 should simply report the crime on a timely basis 校园安全或执法.
  • It is very important that 辅导 report crime on a timely basis to 校园安全 as a reported crime may warrant a crime alert to the Campus community.


校园安全 reviews Report Forms and makes a determination if an incident warrants issuance of a crime alert / emergency notification to the Campus community and whether it is a qualifying (reportable) Clery Act crime to be included in the Campus 年度保安报告 (ASR). 校园安全协调员整合来自多个来源的犯罪数据, 向联邦教育部报告合格的犯罪数据, publishes campus ASRs and informs the campus community when and where ASRs are available. 皇冠hg2020app下载 ASRs can be found on their 校园安全 website. 如有要求,可向校园安全办公室索取硬拷贝.



  • 校园安全人员和部门管理人员.
  • 负责校园安全的非警察人员或办公室-社区服务人员, 校园承包保安人员, 停车管制人员, 负责校园设施出入控制和/或安全的人员, 体育项目或其他特殊项目, 安全护送人员, 住宅社区助理及其他类似职位.
  • Officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities—an Official is defined as any person who has the authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of 皇冠hg2020手机app下载. 以确定哪些组织的个人是csa, 考虑与学生有关系的工作. 寻找官员(i).e.(不是后勤人员),他们的职能涉及与学生的关系. 如果某人对学生和校园活动负有重大责任, 那么他们就会被认为是CSA. 这类csa的一些例子 包括,但不限于: academic deans; student affairs / residential life officials; coordinator of Greek affairs (or related positions); athletic administrators, 包括董事, assistant directors and coaches; student activities coordinators and staff; student judicial officials; faculty and staff advisors to student organizations; student center building staff; student peer education advisors; and administrators at branch campuses.
  • Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s 声明 of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses (校园安全 / Title IX Coordinator).



  • faculty member without responsibility for student and campus activity beyond the classroom
  • 仅为学生提供护理的学生健康科医生/护士
  • 文书或行政支援人员
  • 食堂工作人员
  • 设施维修人员
  • 资讯科技人员
  • licensed mental health or pastoral counselors when acting within the scope of their license or certificate
  • 具有上面列出的类似功能的角色


皇冠hg2020app下载克莱利法案的问题, 这个角色, and responsibilities of a CSA and/or CSA online training should be directed to the Camps Safety Coordinator.